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止水如冰 发表于 2018-6-21 09:24:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
据外媒PinkNews 26日报道,标题是这样的:

Thailand’s government has introduced a bill to legalise same-sex civil partnerships.
The landmark move would make Thailand only the second country in Asia – after Taiwan – to officially recognise same-sex couples.
Last year, the highest court in Taiwan stated that restricting unions to heterosexual couples was unconstitutional, and ruled that same-sex marriage would automatically pass into law in May 2019 if Parliament doesn’t legalise it before then.
And according to local publication The Nation, Thailand may beat Taiwan to that deadline.
The justice minister is set to present the final draft of the bill to the Cabinet for approval after a subcommittee is done with creating it, a source at the ministry’s Rights and Liberties Protection Department said.
It is expected to be passed before the next general election, which is set to be held in February 2019.
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Ratthanan Prapairat, 38, said he had been with his partner for more than 20 years, and that together, the two men have bought a house and run a clothing business.
Prapairat said he would register under the proposed law, adding: “It is a must-have that should have been in place years ago as it would be very helpful in protecting the rights of same-sex couples.
“Same-sex couples are no different from straight couples. We have accumulated a lot of assets and heritage together. This law will be great for us.”
After 50-year-old Vitaya Saeng-aroon’s partner was taken into hospital earlier this year, he didn’t know of his death until a relative let him know.
Saeng-aroon said the legislative shift would give same-sex couples the right to have a say over their partner’s medical care, and to be present with them in the hospital.
“I was not permitted to sign any document after he went into a coma,” he said. “I was not his relative, even though I had been taking care of him for over a year.
I had to wait for his brother from upcountry to show up. After a week in ICU, he passed away peacefully,” he added.
“I did not know about his death until his brother called me.”
He said that the law would legitimise same-sex relationships, and the LGBT people in general.
“It’s not only about equality, but also about humanity,” said Saeng-aroon.
“Gay people need to be recognised as common couples in every supporting aspect. That will bring wider understanding towards the true meaning of diversity.”
Earlier this month, Fukuoka became the second-biggest city in Japan to legally recognise same-sex partners.
The unions carry some of the same benefits as marriage, especially relating to housing and hospital visits.
The city of 1.5 million people, located on the northern coast of the island of Kyushu, was the seventh city or ward in the country to legalise same-sex partnerships.
Read This: The Celebrities That You Didn’t Realise Are Gay


嗯,讲真话小惟是没看懂以上的英文报道,不过在知乎上已经有大神@LGBT留学生日报 翻译出来了:
泰国政府昨天(本周星期四)宣布,将立法合法化同性婚姻——以民事伴侣关系(Civil Partnership)的形式。
38岁的Ratthanan Prapairat说,他与他的同性伴侣在一起生活了超过20年。他们买了房子,一起经营服装生意,并像其他任何异性夫妇一样过家庭生活。
如果新法实施,他们说肯定会立即注册他们的关系。 “要是以前就有的话就好了,因为这对于保护我们的伴侣权利非常有帮助,”他说。 “同性伴侣与异性伴侣没有区别。我们一起积累了很多资产和遗产。这条法律对我们来说来得很及时。“
50岁的Vitaya Saeng-aroon说,当他的伴侣住院时,因为现行法律不承认同性伴侣是亲戚,他甚至都不能去医院探视他伴侣。
Vitaya说, “这不仅关乎平等,还关乎人性。同性伴侣在每个方面都需要被视为合法伴侣,就像异性恋伴侣一样。这才是真正的多元化,“他说。

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